Image Evolved - Part 7

Scripture Reading - Genesis 5:3 KJV

And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his “image” of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. We highlighted that “an inner image from God” affects man in a positive sense by God’s design. We have briefly spoken on “Outside Images” that negatively affect all people on the earth as a whole. In our previous lesson we focused on “The Image of Man” where both men and women have an “image” according to God’s design and the society they live in that they are endeavoring to uphold. Today, we will speak on the ever “evolving image” of men (and women too) that can never be perfected. We (ihlcc) will explain as people change their “image” of themselves and their “image” of others changes too. For example, when a young lady is a teenager they might see themselves as insecure and shy hoping for a good boyfriend. In that state of mind her main interest could be her girlfriend relationships because those are the people close to her and more steady. However, as she grows older, let us say around 22 years of age; she might have more of an interest in getting married and establishing her own family, so her previous girlfriends might not be her only interest in life at that time. Now, as she grows into her thirties with a family her primary interest could possibly be her children and the security of her husband having (maintaining) a good job. The key thought we are trying to convey here is that she is adapting and changing according to her situations in life. Thus, how she views others in life will be biased toward the light of her own mind. Thus, her “evolving image” of herself will be reflected in her views about you and many others in her life. For everyone in life must portion how they want to spend their time and what purpose is attached to that time spent before God and their fellow man. Have you ever noticed that the very aged grandma doesn’t worry about the same issues a new mother does. We can still hear the wisdom of the aged saint telling the younger wives, “Honey don’t worry yourself sick over those children, God has a way of working all things out”. Of course the aged elder sounds very similar to the scripture in Psalms 127:2-3 KJV where it states, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Why are her words so calming and reassuring? It is because she is in a place of rest so she can spend extra time waiting on God so the “evolving image” of herself she is now seeing is more saturated in the “image of God” compared to the younger mothers who constantly have the “evolving image” of their children before their eyes. The restful grandma could now eat, sleep and drink in this “godly image” such that she reflects a true saint of God. That is what we should all be striving for to be a disciple indeed that looks, smells and taste like God because we are bearing continuously “His Holy Godly Image and Likeness”. The reason we said it can never be perfected down here on earth is because there is always more to learn about God, thus there is always more to being like God while on the earth. Therefore we are ever changing while learning more about God. Yes, sometimes God Himself is making a dynamic change within us that causes us to change the personal “image” (view) of ourselves that makes others (especially, those with old negative ungodly habits) seem strange to us. We (ihlcc) vividly remember how immediately we changed once we were married and those around us changed too, to treat us as newlyweds. We can also clearly remember how the very day our first born came into the earth breathing the breath of life our “image” of life as a whole changed drastically. (Note: Childbearing has a way of humbling man’s pride to stop thinking so much about himself) This is what is so interesting because you, our faith friend, are constantly changing (adjusting) and whether you agreed or not your “image” of yourself is evolving based upon your most current mindset. Thus, exactly how you view the people around you and your own family members will be directly impacted. The key is being godly to make a “positive image (impression)” rather than a negative one. We watched this closely with several people in our life who were close to us. Yes, on purpose we said, “were close to us” because we realized later in the relationship that we drifted apart. Why, did you drift apart? One might ask, well if we are growing more into the path God has called us to walk we must change to walk that path. Know this dear saint of God, the paths of God are long and sometimes lonely you will need a lot of strength (His Grace) and endurance (His encouragement) to continue. We noticed that some people are walking a different path of convenience rather than suffering and growth. So how can the two walk together unless they be agreed.-Amos 3:3 We noticed with some degree of sadness that some people are not going to progress in the positive direction of God’s growth by choice of complacence, no grow is never by accident. There are those even in your own life that choose to do some religious duties as the bare minimum that you will never be completely satisfied with because they don’t resemble the “image of God” you have in your mind nor the “image of yourself” as being a child of God. Like today’s verse it took time for Adam to bear another son that bore his same “image and likeness”. So be very patient when looking for those who bear your same “godly image in Christ” because you will then be able to establish good fellowship with them for that specific time and season. If you know those who bear another “diverse image” you probably will do better to help them when you can but keep the word of God first and foremost because if they won’t conform to “God’s Great Image” in His Word they will never conform to your “good image and likeness” in Christ Jesus. We (ihlcc) wish we could say all Christians are the “exact image of God” but we cannot, at best we can say all Believers have “God’s Image within” them but that (His) “image” will only shine (be made more apparent) to the degree that we crucify the flesh by killing all selfishness through yielding to God’s Unconditional Love. Remember, The Lord your God changes not, so “His Image” is Perfected but our “image of God and ourselves” is still evolving from faith to faith and from glory to glory even through the Holy Spirit of the Lord. Amen!